adi Group To Score Support For Heart Research UK

By adi Group
schedule30th May 17

adi Group, has teamed up with other local businesses to raise vital funds for Heart Research UK, by facing off on the football field.

An annual initiative, twelve teams will meet at Aston University football field on Tuesday 6 June and go head-to-head in a six-a-side charity match.

Last year, adi raised over £11,000 for Heart Research UK, with the Group aiming to raise a further £3,000 for the charity, which funds ground-breaking medical research into the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease.

Event organiser, adi Group’s Craig Mulligan, commented: “It was fantastic to have so many teams get involved last year, and this year we want even more local businesses to get their boots on and join us on the field.

“Heart Research is an exceptional organisation and we are pleased to be doing our part to support them. We’re extremely proud of the partnership we have with them, which gives us the opportunity to help hearts in the Midlands while also reminding ourselves to think about our own health and wellbeing.”

All money raised at the event will be spent supporting research projects in the West Midlands.

For 50 years, national charity Heart Research UK has been funding pioneering medical treatments and techniques that allow heart patients to live healthier, happier and longer lives.

If you would like to spectate with friends and family, please submit your interest by contacting Craig Mulligan at: [email protected]. Spectating is free, but please do bring pocket change as there will be a raffle on the day.

For any donations, large or small, please visit:

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